November 6, 2016

The Daily Chatter - Laughter

So yesterday, my lovely mother and I were out shopping for some winter clothes and decided to grab a bite to eat at Olive Garden. It was delicious, as always. And shoutout to the amazing waitress, Reagan, we had. Although they were crazy packed, she got our food to us so quickly and even took the time to grab us TEN of those mint thingies at the end

But when me and my mom, check her blog out here, were leaving the restaurant, I said goodbye to the waitress but completely called her the wrong name. That made us laugh, of course. But as we stepped outside, it was very cold and I started shivering and my teeth started chattering.  That made it difficult for my mom to understand me, and she made a point of telling me everything she "heard" me say. Like, when a song came on I said the name of it and she goes, "It's terrifying carrot! What!" And I started laughing. And then everything became funny. I laughed and laughed at everything. It got to the point where I couldn't get the laugh out because I already laughed all of the air out of my lungs. I laughed so hard that there was tears streaming down my face! I don't even know what was funny!! And that made it funnier!!! I laughed at absolutely nothing the entire car ride home.

And that, my friend, is how I finally understood the saying "laugh until you cry."

(P.S. these "!" are exclamation points, it's just the font.)